Something other than socks???? Yes, it is true, I do on occasion knit something other than socks. Last weekend I went to visit my sister, to celebrate my niece's 18th birthday ( I don't know how she grew up so fast) We took a trip down the road to visit Yarns and Fabrications. I was going through "yarn shop" withdrawal, since I do most of my yarn shopping on line. I have had in mind a design for a baby dress for a while and was in the market for some inexpensive yarn to knit one up. I don't have a baby to knit for, so no need to spend a fortune. They had the Katia Mississippi 3 on clearance, 40% off, it is the right gauge for what I had in mind, so it came home with me. It is still in need of a good blocking and buttons for the shoulders, but all in all, I am happy with it. Once it is completely finished I will take better pictures of it. It is a bit breezy out today and difficult to get a picture of it not blowing around in the wind.

Karen and I had not seen each other since Thanksgiving, so we exchanged our socks. These are the ones she knit for me. Knit in Trekking. I couldn't get a good picture that shows all the colors but they are beautiful. They are really more navy than the picture represents. The other pictures I took of them make them look solid black, so at least with this one you can see there are other colors in there. It is so nice to get a pair of socks someone else has knit. And I have such huge feet, I know it is a labor of love. Hopefully, we will get the cool front they are promising and I will be able to wear them at least once before it is time to retire the wool socks for the summer.

And on the sock front, I did cast on a pair of socks. I am knitting these in Shibui Knits in the Marine color. I really like to knit with this yarn. It has a soft hand and a tight twist.
I believe that is all I have to show and tell today. I will leave you with a picture of Springtime beauty. It is wonderful to see the rebirth of nature that comes with this season, but it sure is making my family miserable with the allergies.

Have a great week !!!!
How'd that happen? 18 yr old birthday to a dress for a baby. Funny. Love the little dress tho.
The dress is very cute--love the color. You are definely lucky to have a sister who loves to knit socks too--very nice. I also really like the pattern and the colors of your new sock. Somehow the pictures of your flowers did not show up for me when I visited last, so I got the double treat of the flowers and your tree--still waiting on my tree and flower.
The baby dress is so pretty. I'm so glad we got to visit and finally have our Christmas together. I hope you get a chance to wear your socks before fall. Your new sock is wonderful (I will need that pattern when you write it up).
Hi, Monica! The dress is JUST darling! I am jealous :)
And your socks, as always, are fantastic. Great job once again!
Spring IS here. I just hope we get a nice one instead of heading right into the hot temps. :)
Enjoy your weekend!
That dress is simply precious! Love the color too.
aaah, spring seems to finally be on its way. Beautiful here in the South. Love your dress...very cute. I wish I was a sock person (I just don't enjoy knitting them), I covet your socks!!!
Your baby dress is awesome.
Very cute design :)
What a darling dress. I miss knitting for babies and toddlers.
Your daffodil pics in your last post are beautiful too. My daffodils have long since shriveled up. I shouldn't complain though. You deserve some good warm weather after a long winter.
Gorgeous! I love flower pictures:)
The baby dress is very nice.
The little dress is very sweet. Hmmm I must try that Shibui yarn one day.
The dress is adorable. And the socks? Gorgeous as always.
It's spring here too. Although I think we're going to need a canoe soon:)
GREAT knitting, love the sweet little dress!!! What pattern are you using for the Shibui socks?
GREAT knitting, love the sweet little dress!!! What pattern are you using for the Shibui socks?
It was great to see you in the store that day.. and I'm glad someone finally found a great use for that Katia. :) Beautiful projects.
Oh what a beautiful little dress. Those dolls do look so life like too.
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