The driving daughter came home Friday and asked if I wanted to help her make a Mole this weekend. She is taking Chemistry this year. So I am thinking.... 6.023 X 10to the 23 power, how do we
make that. No she means a mole like the little silky, furry animals that dig up your yard. They get extra credit for making the mole; extra, extra credit for making a mole with a theme of some sort; and extra, extra, extra credit if it has the same mass as an element.... or some such thing. She cut it out, and came to me with thread and needle and asked me if I would show her how to start the sewing process, so I got out the sewing machine...I am not sewing this thing together by hand. She stuffed it and made the scarf and I added claws and the eyes, nose and scar. She drew on the glasses and viola, a "Harry Potter" themed mole AKA "Moley Potter". She colored a toothpick with a sharpie for the wand and we tucked it under an arm. She loves him. This is the only mole I hope to see in my yard this year.

I was stuck on the couch for the weekend with my leg elevated and my stylish TED hose on. I have a tendency to get DVT's (it is a genetic thing) and am on anticoagulants for life (blood thinners) but still, a clot reared its ugly head towards the end of the week. Anyway, I was able to finish the girl child's top. It is not easy to seam a garment half reclined with your leg elevated. When I got up Sunday morning she had it on, so I guess the first time it is washed will be when it gets blocked. You can see more pictures of it on my Flickr site, just click on it on the sidebar or on Ravelry. She loves it, but she says it is
itchy.....it is 100% Mercerized Cotton, how
itchy can it be? other than the alleged
itch factor she loves it, it fits great and she wore it to church on Sunday. I promised the driving daughter I would make a top for her. I bought the yarn
years ago, for said top. That will be next, after I finish at least one pair of socks for the month. Driving daughter has also found an afghan she wants ..... it is crochet(not my preferred method of needlework)... so I will be working on that too.
I have nothing else to show, I can't believe I haven't started a gazillion different things to share. Have a fantastic week all!!!!
Loved Moley Potter! So cute and clever. Your daughter looks cute in her 'itchy' cotton shirt. By the way, thanks for your condolences on my blog. I tried to e-mail you, but for some reason it was returned.
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Sounds like it was quite the interesting knitting position!
I love the top-she looks so cute--and what is not to love about Moley Potter--very cute and clever.
I don't like sweaters against my skin. They aren't itchy necessarily but I can't describe the tactile sensation any better than the daughter did.
Very pretty!
The mole is so cute ;) I love your daughter's sweater. Maybe once it's washed a few times it will get softer. Take care of your legs and get better real soon!
Did "Moley Potter" magic a lot of extra credit points. He's very cute. And Miss Lauren's top is so wonderful (itchy indeed).
Gasp! Crocheting an afghan!
Love the top! and The Moley Potter. Goodness, I hope you get feeling better soon. You take care!
Clever girl coming up with a theme mole.
Your daughter's sweater looks great; so does she.
Maybe once it's washed it wont feel so "itchy".
Love Mr. Moley Potter! Also love the top for your daughter... it looks adorable! Bummer about your DVT's! I spent many months in TED house when I was pregnant with my daughter... They are very lovely. Especially in summer!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your DVT. They are painful. Many women here is Utah get them due to Factor V Leiden disorder so I had a vague idea about what you are talking about. (You are bigger than a newborn. :) You know the NNPs. We think small.) Moley Potter is great! And the sweater is really beautiful.
The "mole" is hilarious. What a great idea.
Your daughter looks darling in her sweater, and it LOOKS comfortable. Even though I love fiber I'm kind of sensitive about most sweaters too.
Hope that you're feeling better.
Sorry to hear about your DVT Monica, please take care! Your daughter's top is very pretty and Moley Potter is very cute.
Hope your daughter gets lots of credits for it!
Oh I love Moley Potter too, how cute. Your daughter looks so nice in her new top too, and what better way to spend the time as to finish a UFO.
The mole is cute. The knitting DD here made a shadow illusion MOLE scarf last year. I posted a pic on the blog and it was not easy to photograph.
The sweater is nice and it looks nice on her.
I have that DVT stuff too. Not nice, is it?
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