Tuesday, October 31, 2006
She Got Her Parcel

Monday, October 30, 2006

Well, I hope blogger will cooperate and let me post this. It has been a battle with them this weekend. Happy knitting all. I hope it is as beautiful where you are as it is here in South Central Indiana today. It is gorgeous.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
A Blustery Day

Today reminded me of the Winnie the Pooh story "A Blustery Day". The leaves were flying and the wind was whipping through the trees. Made me want to knit some winter gear. So, while I was at the yarn shop teaching a class today, I bought some King Cole Luxury Mohair in the Vienna color and a ball of Fortissima Socka in dark brown, and made a pair of mittens. I love these mittens. They are so soft, and warm, and comfy. I will have toasty, warm hands this winter. I think I will make a pair of slippers with this yarn combination too.
The class I was teaching today, was my own Cable Scarf pattern. It is so neat to see others enjoying and knitting a pattern you have created. And, I am so happy they only found one error and that was just a typo, not a pattern error. I think I may have to knit up another one too, maybe in some Alpaca this time.
Don't forget to change your clocks!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Woo Hoo, It is Done

I am so happy to finally have this thing done. I have misplaced the card that had the name on it, so I am hoping my short term memory hasn't failed me. Thank goodness her name isn't any longer or I would have needed to give her a nick name. It was a tight fit. I really can't get a good picture of it in this light, and I will be taking it to the yarn shop bright and early in the morning so it can be delivered to its rightful owner, so this is the only one that there will be. Now, I will worry about whether or not she is happy with it. Just having it finished is a relief.
I can work on some fun stuff now. I really want to get some socks finished before the end of the month for Socktoberfest and Sock a Month. I haven't finished a pair of socks in quite a while. And I need to finish the sweaters for CIC before the end on November. And then there are the hats for the giving tree at school. That ought to keep me out of trouble for a while.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
The end is in site.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I really wanted to finish this stocking tonight, but I kept falling asleep. It is very late, or very early, depending on how you see things, and I won't be finishing this tonight. But it will get done within the next 24 hours.... I hope. This acrylic, coupled with the tight gauge, is killing my arthritic hands and wrists. I am ready to knit with some good wool, or alpaca, or any other natural fiber.
Benjamin had his first band concert of the year tonight. They sounded really good. He is having a hard time with band, or should I say with the band director. I am really hoping we can work through this. I know my son is not perfect, and 12 is a hard age, anyway I think it is, but I really think this guy needs to be teaching at a college level. He has no patience with the kids and so many of them quit after one year with him. It is such a shame. Benjamin loved the first year of band, and actually looked forward to it... a different director, of course.
Now, on to some fun stuff. I love a contest, any kind. It doesn't matter to me if I win or not, I just love them, always have. Javajem-knits is celebrating her 100th post. She has asked a few questions that need to be answered for the contest.
1. Since it is my 100th blog contest – If you have a blog – how many entries have you made?
I think this will be 55, I hope that is right.
2.What is the first thing you notice about a person when you meet them for the first time
The first thing is their eyes, and if they look at you when they talk to you.
3.What are you currently reading? And what is your favorite book of all time?
I am reading "Marker" by Robin Cook. Favorite book: hhhmmm, so many to choose from. I would have to say "To Kill A Mockingbird," "Jane Eyre" is a very close second.
4. What is furthest you have ever traveled from home?
I was born in Germany, I have lived in Colorado, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and in Indiana, ( I was an Army brat) So I guess it depends on which home. As a married adult, it would be Florida. But I really want to go to Australia and New Zealand, Ireland, and Europe.
5. I am sure everyone has some knitted project that they just can’t seem to get around to starting. I know I have several. What is it something you would like to knit “One day”?(I would also like to add a challenge to these questions. Everyone who actually finishes their personal “One day” project before SP9 is over (January 31st 2007) will be entered to win a skein of some yummy yarn!. So let “one day” be today! I will post again when SP9 is almost over and ask to see pictures) 6.
My "one day" project is the "Must Have Sweater" I love that sweater, I don't know why I haven't knit it.
6.And finally – since it is October - what are you going to be for Halloween
I usually sit on the front porch and knit socks as I pass out candy, the little ones are always intrigued by it. Sooo, I am going as the neighborhood knitter.
What are you waiting for , go enter the contest, I am going to bed.
Monday, October 23, 2006
What happened to Fall?

And I made a little felted bag for one of my secret pals. Her favorite colors are pink, burgundy and emerald green. Of course the eldest thinks it is hideous, but I am happy with it. I just did random stripes. It needs a shave, I was going to line it but I am still deciding on that.

Happy knitting all, and stay warm
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
A Little Frou Frou...

...goes a long way. I am tired of the little frou frou scarves. I think I am done with them for the season. Give me a warm, functional scarf any time. One with cables and made from Merino or Alpaca or Cashmere. These are made with a variety of novelty, from left to right it is Crystal Palace Waikiki and Little Flowers held together. The purple is Bobble, Squiggle, and Fortissima sock yarn. The green one is Choo Choo and Bobble, and the last is Choo Choo and Squiggle. I am glad they are finished

Well, I am off to take the kiddies to the allergist for shots. Have a great day.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The shawl is blocked. It is much prettier in person, but I can't get a really good picture of it. My son is holding it, but his arm span is not wide enough to hold the entire shawl. He has been home sick from school the last few days, so he got to help me block it. He liked sticking the pins in it and not getting in trouble for it. I am making a ton of scarves for the shop, mostly frou frou stuff that everyone likes to make for Christmas. I will post them all together when I am finished with them. Off to knit more.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Coffee and Koigu ...

What more could a girl ask for. I received my Hot Socks Swap package yesterday. It is absolutely lovely. Thank you, Anita. I love Koigu, it is one of my very favorites, but not readily available in this area. And I love, love , love, the color! I made a pair of socks in this colorway for my daughter about 3 years ago and had a really hard time letting her have them. And the coffee smells wonderful. I can't wait to grind some beans and make a pot. It has just a hint of chocolate aroma to it, my favorite. I usually get a white chocolate , mocha latte or cappuccino from Starbucks, so I am sure I am going to love this blend. And the log cabin quilted coasters are lovely. Thank you very much:)

Well I guess I better get off of here and go sweep and mop the kitchen floor...ugh. I hate house cleaning.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
She wants one just like it.....

But in a different color. My oldest daughter loves the shape of my latest bag and the size is just perfect, but....." what is with the old lady colors, Mom?" I hear that a lot from her, but she is 15, so anyone over 25 is ancient, and apparently, I only pick out "old lady" colors. I guess I will have to make her one in a different color and she wants a flap. Christmas is right around the corner, maybe she will get one then.
Like I said in the previous post, the yarn is Farmhouse Yarns, Roxanne's Mohair, and the color is Black Cherry. I am not sure why it is Black Cherry, it reminds me more of the changing leave we are seeing right now, here in Indiana. Since I am going to be hanging this up in the LYS, I need to type up the pattern.
We got our cold front. I am so happy, I love cool, brisk, fall days. I can wear my handknit socks in this weather.
Well I need to scoot, I have a knitting lesson to give.
If only I could stay focused.

This is what I am supposed to be working on. I was asked to make a Christmas stocking for someone, I don't know her. I was asked by a friend, so what the heck I say I will do it. The lady says it is for her new daughter -in-law, she doesn't care which one I make, but she really needs to have one for her, since all the other children have one. Well the carte blanche stops with me choosing the pattern and colors. She wants .. "UGH" acrylic yarn. Apparently all the other stockings were made in Red Heart and in that manner she would like them to all be the same. I really don't like Red Heart yarn, I know I learned to knit on Red Heart, but that was all that was available in our area at the time. I can't wait to be done with it, but I knit on something else every chance I get. Why? oh Why? am I prolonging the agony. Do I think it will get better in time? That somehow, miraculously the yarn is going to feel better in my hand if I just wait a little longer? I think I need to lock myself in an empty room with just the yarn and the pattern and not allow myself to come out until it is finished. As you can see, I am not very far along yet.
Anyway, I needed a little break from the Red Heart, so I went to the LYS. No, really I NEEDED to go. I had to buy some yarn for the Hot Socks Swap. I have my partner, she is in Australia, I have emailed her, and heard back from her. This is not a long drawn out exchange , as some are. We got our swap partner's name this week and everything is to be sent out by the 21st of this month. So you see, I really did NEED to go to the LYS. And I got her some lovely yarn, but I won't post a picture of it until after she receives it. But I also got some new yarn to the shop, Farmhouse yarn. I bought the Roxanne's Mohair in the Black Cherry color. This is not a soft yarn to work with and my hands turned orange, red while I was knitting, it even turned the clothing I was wearing red/ pink. I hope it comes out. I only bought one ball of it, 200 yds medium wt yarn. I decided to make a purse, just a vague idea of what I wanted it to look like and just started knitting. Well, other than the discolored hands and clothes I was pleased. In the machine it went, that was some dark looking water. Surprisingly enough, the rinse water was clear. The bag is incredibly soft after washing and felted to just the perfect size. I will have to give it a good shave. I don't know why I buy mohair blends, I don't like fuzzy bags, someday I will learn. I can't get a good picture of it tonight and it is3AM so I better go to bed. I will take a picture of it in the light of day.
Good night all
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Trick or Treat

I finished my Halloween bag. It is my own design, knit in Cascade 220. I wish I had bound off a little tighter, it flares a bit at the top, but I can live with that. The orange tips on the candy corn kind of got lost in the felting process, which is a little disappointing. Overall though, I would have to say I am happy with it.
I have been working on Benjamin's sweater today. He tried it on and it fits, yeah!! Pictures of that later. I have to get the baby blanket done, I really should be working on that instead.
Well, I am off to knit something.
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