One of my goals for this year is to do more charity knitting. I am hoping to make at least 2 items for charity each month. I have been knitting away on socks for CIC, the problem is I knit one socks and then start another pair. I cast on for the second one of this pair as soon as I finished the first so maybe that will help me in getting this pair finished. That darn knitter's ADD.

And Kate of Minestrone Soup is collecting fun fur type hats for the children's cancer ward in Boston. I have knit this one in Splash. I think I have a few other fun fur type yarn laying around here somewhere. It is not something I normally knit with, but I think I got some samples from TNNA last summer.

And for myself, I finished the first lace sock last night in the Claudia's Handpainted. I am really happy with the way this turned out. I will cast on for the second one soon ... probably this evening. Well that is about it on the knitting front. The youngest just walked in the door saying she doesn't feel good. I hope this isn't the start of another sweep of illness through the house. She is complaining of a headache and a stomach ache ... doesn't sound good for me. Take care all.
I like that CIC sock design, is that yours or is it on the net or in a book? That "hairy" hat is cool! and I like your squares.
Good for you :) I know all of your charity knitting will be greatly appreciated. All of your work is beautiful. I love both of your socks.
They are inspiring me to try some different sock designs sometime in the future :)
Happy knitting :)
I do the same thing with socks, I always have 2 pairs going so I don't get bored. I hope DD is feeling better!
Love the socks! Was also going to ask you (like Karen did) about the sock design in the CIC sock...as well as the other sock.
Well look at you with all these finished items! Love the lace sock. Very pretty design and the yarn is perfect for it. Nice goal on the charity knitting. I really should do more. I have good intentions and then get distracted with other projects. OY!
I hope your daughter fights off the bad stuff. There has been so much CRUD going around here.
I love the color of your lace socks. Really shows the pattern well.
Bummer about your daughter not feeling well. What an awful winter you are having.
You're charity knitting reinforces my conclusion that knitters are some of the most kind-hearted people I know! :-) I know that it will all be greatly appreciated!
Hoping your daughter gets better quickly and everyone else stays healthy.
Great stuff for good charities. Way to go!
Wow. You've been doing so much knitting. Everything looks so beautiful too.
And you've been tagged!
See my blog for details.
That lace sock is beautiful. I love the colorway. Great charity knitting as well. You are an angel.
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