Friday, April 13, 2007

ADD knitting

I really need to be working on the never ending baby blanket. I need to have it finished by the end of this month. It doesn't look any different picture wise from before, because it is still all scrunched up on the circular needles, but it is about 32 inches across now and over 600 stitches around. I did make myself work on it during Survivor last night and even continued to knit on it through CSI. But then it was put away for sock knitting. I will work on it again this evening during whatever we watch on Friday nights.... DH controls the remote. I usually just sit and knit anyway and occasionally listen. Unless it is Survivor or the Amazing Race.

I finished the first Scroll Lace sock in the Blackberry Ridge yarn. And I even cast on for the second one. I wish I didn't have such big feet. It was really nice knitting those little ankle socks for my niece and her small feet. That foot just seems to go on forever and ever.

And because I have knitter's ADD and absolutely no self control, I cast on for the Traveling Vine socks in the Koigu I won for the Socktopia Knit Off. I am knitting from both balls at the same time because there is a noticeable difference in the shade from one ball to the other. I hope it doesn't come back to bite me in the butt, not knowing for sure when I am finished with a whole ball... you just never know with the small Koigu balls. I am hoping all the lace work will save me. Maybe I will make the toes solid purple just to be on the safe side. I have some dark purple Koigu left over from socks I made for my niece. I just don't know....
I ripped out the Reticulated socks I was knitting a long time ago, I don't feel like knitting those anymore. I was graphing some charts the other day so I think when I get the baby blanket finished and the yarn has had time to rest I will cast on for a new design. Well that is about all for today. Time to knit some more.


Karen said...

Those are so purdy! It's going to be fun using all those patterns in that new sock book (More Sensational Knitted Socks). I hope you finish the baby blanket before the baby comes. You better hurry, this year is flying by. I haven't ripped my reticulated sock yet but I did take it off the needles (cuz, well, I needed them for another sock).

hakucho said...

Your socks look just great...very pretty :)

Good luck finishing the baby blanket...keep plugging and you'll have it done in no time!

happy knitting :)

Emma said...

Both socks are so cute! I know what you mean about Koigu. Seems the dye lots never match, and the yardage can make you sweat. Hope everything works out!

Angela said...

The socks are gorgeous. Have you heard about the MD Slogalong? We're all working on never ending projects.


Anita said...

Ooh, that Blackberry Ridge yarn is lovely! I've never heard of Blackberry Ridge before.

Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

I love both of the socks - the colours are so pretty! Hope you get the baby blanket finished on time. I find for me, I prefer to crochet baby blankets because they go faster than knitting them - at least I find they do.

~Tonia~ said...

Sounds like you better get cranking on that baby blanket. The socks are so pretty though I can see how you would get distracted by them.

Carol said...

Love your socks colors are wonderful. I love my "More Sensational Knitted socks" and want to try everyone. Where do you get those darling sock holders? I have seen them on other sites but not a clue as to where to buy them.

Janice said...

That baby blanket is going to be gorgeous!! That is one lucky baby and new mom! You continue to amaze and inspire me with your sock knitting!!!! :-)

Beth N said...

I agree that crocheted afghans go faster, but nothing could be prettier than the one you are knitting. The mother will love it!Great socks as always.

Diane said...

Can't wait to see the never ending blanket finished and flat! Love the socks.

Beth said...

Those koigu socks are so springy, surely they fit into at least one of the Socktopia categories.

kathy b said...

wow, the socks are so lovely. I'm in awe Monica! Your baby blanket is going to be incredible when finished. Try not to go so round and round okay? hee hee

kathy b said...

wow, the socks are so lovely. I'm in awe Monica! Your baby blanket is going to be incredible when finished. Try not to go so round and round okay? hee hee

kathy b said...

wow, the socks are so lovely. I'm in awe Monica! Your baby blanket is going to be incredible when finished. Try not to go so round and round okay? hee hee

Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

I love having new socks knit up just in time for Spring. Puts a spring in my step I think. You'rs are perrrrty. Very Spring! Now I hope the SUN will stay out for awhile. Happy knitting!